Welcome to ssikotdwara


Sachidanand Social Institute is a non- government organisation currently involved in community development activities. It was incorporated in the year 2003(registered under society’s registration act -1860). It is also registered under 12A and 80G sections of Income tax.


The year started with the formation of SHG Unnati at village Lalpani, kotdwara. The SHG started income generation activity of knitting. SSI provided the initialtraining and seed money for the raw material. The group started well but was facing the problem of finding the right kind of yarn. Hence SSI also sourced good quality yarn and supplied it to them. By the month of September the SHG started providing the finished product and the need to sell the hand knitted sweaters was felt. These were all sold through reference selling and in fact SSI had advance booking for the sweaters. As the main occupation of the members of the SHG is agriculture and cattle rearing the group could contribute in a limited way but still they are working.

The group was also trained on scrub making but due to the seasonal raw material the group focused on the knitting.

It was also felt that SSI should collaborate with other organisations for fund raising and increased activity level. Talks were initiated with an international NGO, the Union, for executing project Axaya( TB awareness programme) in Dwarikhal block. The MOU was signed in the month of August and also the working was started in the same month. The first GKS(Gram KalyanSamiti) meeting was done at village Kutal Mandal, near Goomkhal. There after the GKS meeting were conducted in villages of Kharati, Kulhar, Simliya in the subsequent months. One mid media activity was done at the Junior High School at village Goom. Door to door contact programme AxayaSamvad was carried on in the villages of Kharati, Goom, Kutal Mandal. The programme was a success and was completed within three months for the entire block.

GSK at Village Kulhar1

Activity at a School, Village Goom1
